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Журнал "Научное мнение" № 7, 2014


Т. А. Королева
Цена: 50 руб.
В статье исследуются характерные особенности женского движения в Канаде на
протяжении столетия. Проанализирован дискурс феминистского движения в разные этапы времени – волны феминизма. Рассмотрены закономерности и принципы формирования идеологии феминистского движения в Канаде.
Ключевые слова: феминизм, феминистский дискурс, достижение поставленных целей гендерного равенства.
Список литературы
1. Bailey C. Making Waves and Drawing Lines: The Politics of Defining the Vicissitudes of Feminism. Hypatia. 12 (3), p. 16–27. 1997.
2. Brand D. Black Women and World: The Impact of Racially Constructed Gender Roles on the Sexual Division of Labour. In Enakshi Due and Angela Robertson (Eds.). Scratching the Surface: Canadian Anti-Racist Feminist Thought (Chapter 3). Toronto: The Women’s Press, 1999.
3. Cooper A. Constructing Black Women’s Historical Knowledge. Atlantis, Vol. 25(No.1), Р. 11–27. 2000.
4. Detloff Madelyn. Mean Spirits: The Politics of Contempt Between Feminist Generations. Hypatia. 12 (3), Summer1997. Р. 76–93.
5. Drake Jennifer. Third Wave Feminisms. Feminist Studies 23 (1), Spring 1997. Р. 97–104.
6. Errington J. Pionneers and Suffragists. In Sandra Burt, Lorraine Code, Lindsay Dorney (Eds.), Changing Patterns: Women in Canada, Toronto: McLelland and Stewart Ltd., 1993. Р. 59–91.
7. Hamilton R. The Feminist movement(s). In Roberta Hamilton. Gendering the Vertical Mosaic (Chapter 2). Toronto: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005.
8. Henry A. Feminism’s Family Problem: Feminist Generations and the Mother-Daughter Trope. In Rory Dicker and Alison Piepmeier (Eds.) Catching a Wave: Reclaiming Feminism for the 21st Century. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 2003.
9. Heywood L. and Drake J. (Eds.) Third Wave Agenda: Being Feminist, Doing Feminism. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1997.
10. Miles Angela. Local activisms, global feminisms and the struggle against globalization. Canadian Woman Studies, Vol. 20, Issue 3. 2000.
11. Mitchell A. and Karaian L. Third Wave Feminism. In Nancy Mandell (Ed.), Feminist Issues: Race, Class, and Sexuality. Toronto: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004. Р. 58–82.
12. O’Neill B. On the Same Wavelength? Feminist Attitudes Across Generations of Canadian Women. In Manon Tremblay and Linda Trimble (Eds.). Women and Electoral Politics in Canada (Chapter 11). Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2003. Р. 177–91.
15. Orr Catherine M. Charting the Currents of the Third Wave. Hypatia. 12 (3), Summer 1997. Р. 28–46.
14. Pinterics N. Riding the feminist waves: in with the third?. Canadian Woman Studies. Downsview: Winter/Spring 2001. pg. 15
15. Steenbergen C. Feminism and young women: alive and well and still kicking. Canadian Woman Studies. Downsview: Winter/Spring 2001. pg. 6
16. Valverde M. When the Mother of the Race is Free. In Franca Iacovetta and Mariana Valverde (Eds.). Gender Conflicts. 1992. Р. 3–26.
17. Dicker R. and A. Piepmeier (Eds.) Catching a Wave: Reclaiming Feminism for the 21st Century. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 2003.
Цена: 50 рублей
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